#012: What really makes a song a banger? Record labels are paying off radio stations to get artists airplay
Here's how to write a banger, we interview Young Culture, and radio stations record labels have been involved in a banned practice in the music industry
Good morning, everyone! Just wanted to stop by and let you know that we have released Episode #012 of The All Punked Up Podcast! Plus, there’s even a few bonus episodes (more details on those below).
The Rundown
Bailey gets tested for COVID and Tyler explains the difficulties of running a podcast and a music news site. The crew discusses what they think makes a song a "banger". They also share their thoughts on the reported news of how major record labels are participating in a banned practice of paying off radio stations in order to get their artists airplay and potentially tilting the charts in their favor. In the Quick Hits segment, they recommend two show series on Netflix you MUST check out.

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Alex Magnan of Young Culture joins The All Punked Up Podcast to discuss how the band has been dealing with COVID, the band's upcoming pop punk self-titled debut album, how the band writes songs being in three different states, and which songs he'd recommend from the album to old and new fans of the band. Ally throws rapid fire questions Alex's way to find out what he thinks of candy corn, what his favorite scary movie is, who the best dancer in the band is, if he believes in ghosts and much more.
Finally, co-host Ally Rincon and All Punked Up contributor Noah Cross have started releasing bonus episodes of our weekly podcast where they dive into albums and give their takes on each. Check out the latest Bonus Podcast Episode below.
Thanks so much for all of your support!
Tyler Winters, Founder
All Punked Up