Bro, blink-182's "Edging" isn't even that good
Here's a quick bonus episode! These bonus episodes are where we take a question asked on Reddit or somewhere on the Internet and answer it as honestly as possible—no matter the consequences.
For this bonus episode, Tyler's seen a lot of debate on the Internet over whether or not blink-182's "Edging" is good or not. It seems like there are quite a few people out there who have strong feelings on both sides of the topic. Listen in as Tyler and John discuss that despite the song reigning supreme at no. 1 on the alt-rock charts for 11 weeks straight (10 weeks straight at the time of this recording), does that prove that "Edging" is a good song?
We may start sprinkling these types of bonus episodes out every once in a while just to tide you over between weekly episodes. If you're digging these bonus episodes, let us know when you rate and review us on Apple Podcasts or Spotify!