Emo Nite is your time to shine and be the lead singer of your favorite band
If you're looking for a trip down nostalgia lane, Emo Nite is just the event for you. Emo Nite is your time to shine and be the lead singer of your favorite band. It's your time to forget about all your problems and rock out endlessly to the classic songs. Playing songs from iconic artists like Paramore, Panic! At The Disco, Blink-182, and Sum 41 - the list goes on. This event is a place where you get to feel safe, confident, and be who you want as an individual.
Emo Nite Chicago took place at one of Chicago's most infamous venues - the Subterranean. The show did not disappoint with the great guest DJ's that were able to put on amazing sets. Craig Owens of Chiodos and the boys in Emarosa made guest appearances and added to the excitement of the show. With drinking, moshing, singing and (happy) tears throughout the night, Emo Nite is an event I urge everyone to attend at least once.
If you didn't make it to this round of Emo Nite - you're in luck. New dates of this summer long party were just recently announced. Below you can find the show closest to you, and I encourage you NOT to miss out on this!

Check out the photo gallery from Emo Nite Chicago at the Subterranean below. Don't forget these could be YOU having this much fun!