Harrisburg Local Band Hometime Talks Big Dreams and Pushing Forward
Pride in my hometown is one thing. Pride in Hometime is another. This band has grown over the past year and it’s been one rewarding journey. When I first had a chance to see Hometime live and review their performance, I was so excited about everything I experienced.
The band had and still does, fill me with so much passion for the music I had fallen in love with in middle school. Hometime has always been the type of band that reminds me why I do what I do and has always been able to jog me out of my writer’s block.
So, I spoke to them about their energy, creative process, and what they’ve learned along the way.
Firstly, what you need to understand about this band is while some groups say they’re best friends, Hometime really is. The dynamic between these three boys is so pure and genuine it truly can warm even the most bitter of hearts. "I'm really thankful for Gordon and Jack because whenever I was listening to bands and wanted to start a band I always thought it would be neat to get to play with my best buds and I thought it would be something that would take a long time to happen. I'm really thankful for them” says Braiden Williams, lead singer.
It becomes clear nearly immediately that they aren’t in this for anything more than their shared love of music. Gordon says that the band just clicked immediately. Braiden knew they were onto something when a “drunk dude came up to us and asked us what our band name was and we didn’t even have one yet.”
Prior to the band, they all had an interest in music and knew that’s what they wanted to do. Jack had been raised on “classic rock and hippy music”. He grew up listening to Pink Floyd and The Dead. Gordon’s experience was a bit different, having actually wanted to play the saxophone in elementary school. “I don't know why I ended up playing the drums,” he says. “I stuck with it because I enjoyed it."
When Braiden’s grandfather passed away, that’s when he realized that he was into music for the long run. He says that prior to his grandfather’s passing, “My mom got me a J3 Phoenix... I would pick it up and learn Metallica riffs.” However, after his grandfather's passing, he began to take it more seriously, noting that his grandfather had left him a guitar and Braiden didn’t want to see it collect dust.
Hometime is most proud of how unique they are: from their sound to their fashion sense. The boys laughed as they recalled moments like overalls night at their gigs. Jack notes he’s proud of “learning how to play with each other and also be on stage and have some sort of stage presence".
Braiden was a bit more sentimental. "I'm proud of how far we come and how so many bands just fall off the map and they go at it for a couple of months. I'm proud of all of us, especially, you Gordie."
And that’s classic Hometime. Some of the sweetest, most genuine guys trying to make a band, but always having a laugh anyway.
And they don’t seem to be stopping any time soon. Jack explains, “there's times that I've been frustrated with everybody and I know we've all been frustrated with each other, but that's just part of being with a band and all that. I would never stop playing music with them because I love them and they're my best friends."
With being so young in the scene, it’s not always easy. "Everybody's got stuff going on like school or work,” explains Gordon. “We've all got our own personal lives, but we try to make it a priority the best we can.”
They won’t let this stop them, though. In the coming year, Gordon explains, they want to put out an EP and an LP. With a bit more of vision, Braiden says that one day they want to play The Garden.
To others who want to do what they’re doing Gordon reminds everyone that “It sucks. It might be hard at first.”
It’s worth it in the end, however. Jack says that "knowing people take time out of their day to like come listen to you guys play is a really cool feeling". He also adds that “if you’re in a band, support your friends that are in a band. If you’re not in a band, support your local scene.”
Featured image via @gloominc on Instagram.