MNYS's latest single "Spiders" is an electrifying and promising release
Are you ready to meet your new favorite electronica e-boy?
Artist on the rise MNYS released new single "Spiders" on October 27th and the music speaks for itself. Plus, this release proves that the new electronica emo music that's been emerging in recent years is here to stay, especially if MNYS continues to give us this bop-worthy content. It wouldn't shock me at all if he manages to climb to the top of the heap in this niche genre, totally dominating with his authenticity, relatable lyrics, and high-energy.
Other artists with similar sounds include Chase Atlantic, Yungblud, and blackbear.

What sets MNYS apart from the rest is his roots as a drummer from upstate New York. The pop-punk subculture and sound of the area definitely shines through in his latest release "Spiders". While it's clear this song is more electric pop than humbling, emo pop-punk, the music appeals to the same group of lost kids looking for genuine connection. With this sound, MNYS embraces the future of punk by showcasing his production skills.
Like his previous releases, MNYS plays on feelings of nostalgia and passing time in "Spiders". It's steady beat overlapped with blurry music direction keeps fans on the edge of their seat as they sink further into MNYS's hypnotic voice. While a bit heavy on the production for my taste, it definitely is the sort of music that is getting popular in today's culture and its safe to say that MNYS is skilled in finding that perfect balance.
Imagine it's 1:45am and you're out past curfew in high school, driving with all the windows open in your friend's old, beat-up car. There's a feeling of nostalgia there that is nearly impossible to define. Now, put "Spiders" in the background, blasting out of the nearly defunct speakers, a steady electric crackle warming the car. You and your friends are screaming "don't blame it on anyone else" in time with MNYS's voice. There's safety in this feeling, but also unspoken anguish.
It's this sort of feeling that sticks inter-generationally and between punk sub-genres. MNYS has created music for the next generation of emo and this single "Spiders" proves that he has a firm understanding of what direction he wants to take his sound.
The single has received praise from critically acclaimed artist UPSAHL, who commented her support on MNYS's Instagram.
All of this leaves me wondering, what's next? MNYS is finishing up his EP “wish I was better at apologies” and if it's anything like this single, I'm sure it will not only do well, but find its way on playlists of anyone looking to feel unified and understood through music.
Let us know what you think! Is this electronica punk what's next for the scene? If so, who's your current favorite e-boy on the market?