News you may have missed! (5/27/19)
A new top 10 list, Tom talks to Mark about re-joining blink-182 and Netflix announces new movie and show titles for June 2019
I hope everyone has enjoyed the long Memorial Day weekend. You may remember in last week’s newsletter when I eluded to the All Punked Up brand growing and moving forward. Well, this weekend was spent gearing things up for those very next steps. I’m nervous, but super excited at the same time.
So without further ado, let’s get into what you may have missed from last week!
News you may have missed
We curated a Top 10 songs to listen to when you’re down list. Definitely worth a read. Let us know what songs you like to listen to when you’re feeling down.
There were a number of blink-182 posts this week. But the most important of those posts was Tom DeLonge and Mark Hoppus speaking about Tom’s return to blink-182. Then there was Mark Hoppus thinking a 20th anniversary show for ‘The Mark, Tom, and Travis Show’ is “a fantastic idea”. And finally, a hilarious blink-182 commercial for ‘Take Off Your Pants and Jacket’ that resurfaced which every fan of blink should watch.
There are two traveling rock festival tours that are aiming to fill the Warped Tour void with plans to make bigger steps to improve the experience for bands and fans.
All Time Low is targeting next summer for the release of their new album. That’s exciting!
Sleep On It and Like Pacific announced a co-headlining tour!
Story of the Year talked about when we’ll be able to expect their new album. I love Story of the Year. This is one album I am definitely looking forward to.
Listen to this! Real Friends shared a cover of Slipknot’s “Duality”.
Waterparks released a new single called “Turbulent” and signed to Hopeless Records.
Netflix has announced what movie and show titles are coming to their platform in June 2019!
As always, thank you so much for reading and being a subscriber! If you have a friend who may be interested in this weekly newsletter, feel free to forward them this email and they can sign up below!
Tyler Winters, Founder
All Punked Up