News you may have missed! (7/13/19)
Lil Wayne cuts blink-182 tour set short and may leave the tour, 5 concert hacks everyone should know about, Good Charlotte cancel summer tour and Brendon Urie wants to collab with Green Day.

Hey everyone! What’s up? This week I give a rant on Lil Wayne’s decision to cut his recent blink-182 tour set short and walk off stage. But before we get to that, here’s another helping of your weekly music news from last week.
News you may have missed…
Perhaps the biggest news of this past week was Lil Wayne cutting his set short and walking off stage while reportedly leaving the blink-182 tour. Yes, if you haven’t heard, Lil Wayne is on the blink-182 tour.
Rumors started swirling about that Green Day was releasing new music soon, but word is that there is “definitely no Green Day single [coming] any time soon”.
All Punked Up writer, Nicole, put together a list of 5 concert hacks everyone should know about. Be sure to check that out.
Vans Warped Tour announced the replacement for Good Charlotte for upcoming tour dates.
All Time Low is set to be supporting blink-182 on one of blink’s upcoming shows with Neck Deep and Lil Wayne.
According to a recent study, unsigned artists are generating more income than ever before.
State Champs has some questions for H&M after a fan spotted the retailer selling what seems to be a copycat design.
All Punked Up specific news…
We’ve updated our forms on the APU website. Our Contact Us, Sponsorship and the Contributor Inquiry forms all have a new look. We were using forms that were brought in using a plugin, but the forms kept getting spammed even though we were using a reCAPTCHA on every form. Because of this, I opted for another solution: Google Forms.
So far so good! It’s a cleaner look which I’m always into. It makes the site less heavy. And the best part is, no more spam. Thank goodness!
As mentioned previously, I’m really hoping everyone is enjoying these weekly newsletters as much as I enjoy putting these things together. If there is anything at all that you would love to see featured within these mailers, please let me know. I am open to all ideas. I want these mailers to be for you. And because of that I want to make sure you all are receiving something, not only that you like, but that you look forward to receiving week after week. Please send your thoughts and ideas for requests to
11 songs All Punked Up was digging this week…
If All Punked Up made an album for this past week, these are the songs that would be included on it. These songs could be old or new, maybe even unrelated, but they all traveled through APU team members’ headphones this week.
“The Future” — From Ashes To New
“Plus Ultra” — Carousel Kings
“Criminal” — State Champs
“High Enough” — K Flay
“Your Life and Mine” — Just Surrender
“Slip The Noose — The Maine
“Blame It On My Youth” — blink-182
“Impossible Game” — Oso Oso
“James Dean” — The Wrecks
“Coffee at Midnight” — Stand Atlantic
“Outta My Mind” — Doll Skin
If you’re interested in listening to this “album”, we’ve got the playlist created over on Spotify here. Feel free to give it a listen. Maybe go ahead and just subscribe to the playlist while you’re at it. This same playlist will be updated weekly with new songs.
Random Thoughts…

Let’s talk about Lil Wayne cutting his blink-182 tour set short.
First of all, WTF?! If you missed the news from late last week, Lil Wayne was performing his set on the blink-182 tour Thursday night in Bristow, Virginia. Wayne was reportedly to perform somewhere around a 45 minute set. He only performed for 20 minutes which included only four songs and then walked off stage (you can get caught up on the story here). The reason for cutting his set short? Apparently, via reports from Twitter, it was because he was unimpressed with the crowd size and the type of audience, claiming before playing his last song (the fourth song) of the night “Please forgive me, but I am so not used to performing to a crowd and there’s not too many, you know, like still, that’s not my swag. I’m not sure how long I’m going to be able to do this tour, but make some noise for blink-182 for including me anyway. This might be my last night though, let’s go.”
I’m sorry, Lil Wayne, but get over yourself, dude. Regardless of whether the crowd is your “swag” or not, you committed to playing a show and performing for those paying concert-goers. They paid you to perform. You can’t just leave early because the size of the crowd isn’t to your liking or you aren’t used to the type of people in attendance. Again, people already paid to see you. You perform for them. It’s the most decent and right thing you can do for them. I will say this, though, it’s one thing to leave the tour now and refund anyone who was looking forward to seeing Lil Wayne on future dates, but for him to leave a show early after people already paid to see him and are expecting to see him perform; well that’s just shitty.
And, Wayne. If the crowd type was part of the real issue for you, what did you expect the crowd type to be? Wouldn’t anyone expect it to be a mixed crowd when you’re mixing two totally different genres into one tour? If that’s hard to understand, let me help. If you have a big pop punk act and a big rap act touring together, then expect the crowd to be a mix between pop punk and rap fans. Pretty simple to understand, right?
Now, Wayne, I don’t know a ton about you, but I’m sure you paid your dues along the way to get to where you are, as all musicians and artists do. I’m sure you played to smaller crowds and different types of crowds in your earlier days. You would’ve had to in order to grow, be seen, get better and get experience. There are tons and tons of bands and artists who’ve had a many experiences of playing to empty venues, but because they were scheduled and paid to perform, they played their whole sets. And I’m sure they didn’t take those shows for granted.
*Disclaimer: This rant was written prior to finding out about Lil Wayne made the wise choice to stay on the tour.
Thank you!
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Tyler Winters, Founder
All Punked Up