Outline in Color talks new single, new album, and more—exclusive interview
We recently had the opportunity to meet up with post-hardcore band from Tulsa, Oklahoma, Outline in Color, in an exclusive All Punked Up interview. We discussed new song releases, their upcoming album, touring, and much more.
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First off, I wanted to congratulate you on your newest release “Stay Away” , How are you feeling post release?
Stay Away was really hard to keep to ourselves. From the second we started writing it, to AVOID being featured, we knew we were going to love how this turned out. From day one everyone wanted it to be a single. It has so many aspects that we wanted to capture in a song.
Where did you get the inspiration for the new single and what would you say your favorite line is from the song?
We get inspiration for our songs mostly through life experiences, and Stay Away is about recognizing that there are certain people that don’t add any value to your life, and it’s best to just stay away from them so you don’t take steps backwards. Growing and maturing over time makes life a little clearer, and choosing who’s in your circle is important. Watching someone else go through difficult situations that we’ve made the mistakes of doing when we didn’t know any better validates that.
How are you feeling about your upcoming release of your album “Coast is Clear”? Is there anything you would like your fan’s to know about it?
We’re SO excited about this record. This is an album that has a little bit of everything, and we’re very proud of what we’ve made. The response from everyone so far has been amazing! There’s a lot of material in there, and every time you listen through it you might unpack something new that you didn’t experience before.
With all the new single releases and a new album release, you also also will be supporting Attack Attack! on their co-headlining Level UP Tour with Electric Callboy, How is the band feeling about this opportunity?
We’re very excited to be heading out with our friends in Attack Attack, and Conquer Divide on this tour. Our new songs feel really good to play during practices, and we’re ready to RIP them live. Having opportunities to support bigger artists on tour is always fun for us, and we’re thankful for every one that we can get. Playing our music in front of more people that may not know who we are, that end up loving us after the show always feels extremely rewarding. We’re sad to see Electric Callboy have to drop from the tour, and we wish everyone in their family well with a speedy recovery with their health.
If you could select any band(s) to go on tour with you, who would you select to go with you?
Now that Pierce The Veil is back, going on tour with them would be amazing. There are many others we would like to tour with as well, such as I Prevail, We Came As Romans, Architects, Kingdom of Giants, The Word Alive, Fit For A King, Of Mice & Men, Bad Omens, and the list could go on and on. We would love to see a Thriller Records tour at some point in the future.
What is one of your favorite memories about being on tour?
It’s really hard to pick just one, but for me I would say our time in Japan was a big eye opener for me. I’ll never forget his name. There was a guy named Shingo waiting outside of the venue we were playing since noon with every single release we’ve ever put out for us to sign. Later that night I got to see every person in the room singing all of the words to our songs with us in a language that they weren’t even fluent in. It was surreal to me to be in another country, and have something like that happen.
If you could do a collaboration with anyone who would it be?
I feel like lately we're on fire with getting other people to collab with us. I would love to get some collaboration from different vocalists in the scene like Vic Fuentes, Telle Smith, Rory Rodriguez, Noah Sebastian, Landon Tewers, Blackbear as a curveball, and many others.
Just for kicks and giggles, If you could be any fruit or Vegetable what would it be and why?
I would probably be a potato, because my aim on shooter games is horrible.
What can we expect in the future from you?
This era of Outline in Color is just getting started. We have an awesome, and very supportive partner with our label Thriller Records. We’re very excited to see what the future brings with working together, and we have many plans for the future. We have a lot of drive, and feel like a brand-new band. We love you guys, and appreciate every bit of support we’re given. We aren’t going anywhere

Is there anything else that you would like your fans to know?
It’s probably already out, but our latest single “Fight Fair” is dropping with the album, and is a song that came from a lot of life situations. It’s about trying to see the best in people, but ultimately understanding that life isn’t fair. This song is about knowing when to recognize that some people just don’t have a good vibe anywhere in their entire body, and having the mindset to not care can do wonders.