Rising rockers The Break Plans chat about band formation, inspirations, and new music -- exclusive interview

Rising rockers The Break Plans from Freehold, NJ should definitely be on your radar. You can check out their most recent single “Love This Crazy” right here on All Punked Up!
The trio creates melodic, indie pop music you can dance to – with an alternative rock vibe. According to the guys, they think of themselves as creating “Rock n’ Roll with an EDM soul.” You’d never guess The Break Plans joined forces through a Craigslist ad. Their music style seems to come very naturally for Dan, Mikey, and Colton. The Break Plans takes after artists like Walk The Moon, Lovelytheband, Coldplay, and The Killers. We had the awesome opportunity to interview The Break Plans and get to know their story. Check out our conversation below!
Be sure to keep up with The Break Plans on social media!
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Our Conversation with The Break Plans
How did you come up with the band name “The Break Plans”? Coming up with a band name is seriously the hardest thing ever. So for a short period of time we couldn’t think of anything we liked. Long story short… we were supposed to all hang out one night for Mikey’s birthday and spend a night out on the town with dinner plans and bar hopping. We all met up earlier in the afternoon and started pre gaming for the big night. Before we knew it a couple of the guys were in no shape to go out or party due to having a few too many and forced us to break those plans. Mikey was pretty mad about it, especially it being his birthday but at least we got a band name out of it. What is your absolute favorite lyric you’ve ever written? “Why cant I sleep only stars should be up this late All my dreams feel like battle scars I’d make a wish but I’m out of stars” If you could describe your band’s music in 4 words or less, how would you describe it? Unabashed Rock N’ Pop What can fans look forward to in the near future? Look forward to us continuously releasing new music and content through the new year. In the beginning we weren’t sure which direction we were going with our music so we were a bit hesitant, but now we just write whatever feels good to us and hope people like it. What bands inspire you? Where to start… where to end… Coldplay clearly is a huge inspiration to us and essentially is what brought us together as a band. Other bands to mention; The Killers, Neon Trees, lots of EDM music for sure! And definitely cannot forget to mention The Beatles and Beach Boys! If you could tour with any 3 bands, who would you tour with and why? The Beatles would be the dream band to tour with. Sure they would blow us out of the water but who wouldn’t want a front row seat to every performance! I think Neon Trees would be an incredible band to tour with. They really paved the way for modern indie pop to go mainstream and I feel our sound gels well with theirs. Lastly, Coldplay. Their stadium tours are incredible. The lights, the stage set up and the sound are out of this world. If we could have 1% of their light show for our performance we’d be very happy guys. If you could collab with any artist, who would you want to make a song with and why? Brandon Flowers from The Killers would def be on our short list. He has always been an inspiration to us and how he writes a song. Also Tom Bergling better known as Avicii would have been the dream collab. His ideas and song production were genius.
This or That?
Beach or mountains?
Snow or rain?
Rain (hate snow blowing and shoveling snow)
Sheet music or free-styling?
What’s sheet music?
Brownies or ice cream?
Ice cream
Moshing or crowd surfing?
Crowd surfing
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